Tuesday, March 7, 2006

Jangan Ada Sesal


Jangan ada sesal

Ketika gelak menyurut

Menjelang kepastian

Mungkin terbaik

Walau berat terasa


Menyusuri setapak kerinduan nan panjang

Entah kapan kan berakhir


Semiku berganti sudah

Dinginmupun melanda

Mawarmu kuncum beristirahat

Daunnya berguguran

Di atas keringnya bumi



Jan, 2003


Affair Vol. 2 (Tips 4 you ? )


Something you have to know if you want to get involved in an affair:


  1. You must remember that your affair partner or you cannot be together for all the rest of time, so if you determine to do so, just think that it’s impossible
  2. Prepare yourself to be a spare part, a second person, backing up lover. You are just another man, another woman…… she/he has already had the eminent couple
  3. Never hope to be shown off towards the social life of your fiancĂ©, you will just waste your time, energy and tears… unless you wanna have your eyes swelled.
  4. Never leave any footprints, fingerprints, lips print, or any other print to your affair couple. Unless you want to put him or her into a big battle after…
  5. Never involve your heart in this relationship. You’ll get hurt so much. It’s so meaningless
  6. KARMA..KARMA…KARMA… This is a magic word. You may believe it, but it’s gonna be alright if you decide to ignore this.

Once you put yourself in an affair, please not to be shock if later on, you will be left for the same reason by your couple. Just prepare your heart and mind.


So, the choice is in you….

Affair Vol.1 (Short Story)

That evening...........


She      : Gimana dong cintaku???

              Aku dah berusaha mati-matian melupakannya

              Aku ga bisa lupa

              Aku cemburu kalo dia udah balik ke rumah trus kumpul ma keluarganya

              Aku pengeeenn banget ma dia

              Aku sayaaannng banget ma dia

              Aku harus gimana???


She keeps asking me, keeps sulking me, keeps locating her head beside my shoulder and keep waiting for my answer, my suggestion, my advice, my solution….


Me      : Silent.

              Nothing to say……..


She      : Cintaku kamu ngomong dong. Jangan diem gitu terus..

              Apa aku harus cari kesibukan lain ya?

              Cintaku please….. say something for me.


Me      : Still cannot say a single word….


I was stared at her with confusing mind

She was staring at me with fool and  bewildered looking too.   


A few minutes then….

Me      : Will you listen to me? Will you listen to what I’m gonna say?

              Then, after listening, will you do what I’m gonna say?

She      : Silent …

              Nothing to say……



She      : Kamu kok jahat sih sama aku?

Me      : Silent again


Don’t you know my heart is in war!!!!!

I know I am stupid. So stupid for letting her choosing this way when the 1st time she told me to have this ‘fucking’ romance. I should have said right in front of her to keep the step out of that circle.

Then now….. she already had that feeling.

She has involved her heart into it. The most unwanted thing to do in an affair…..

Me         : I do realize: all my words, all my advice, all my suggestion are useless when someone slave her/his heart to the affair.

In an affair, you’ll only face a wall that will let you stay in with no way to get out unless you want to be a wall breaker and finally be a winner….

I’m not mothering you but I’m just trying to share………..


She      : silent…and smile


Then, I sang aloud

janji di atas ingkar……..”

She smile and hugged me…..


friend of my ex


Nokia 3220 titipan atau mungkin pemberian my Ex itu berbunyi lagi mengisyaratkan

“1 massage Received”

Si Superman is Death (That’s how I wrote his name in my nokia) mengirimiku pesan di sore hari ketika aku di tempat cetak foto dekat mall kecil di tengah Surabaya.


“Dek, aku di xxxx, kamu ga ke sini ta?”


Kubalas “aku lg ctk foto di dekat xxxx mas, ntar kl selesai ak ke sana, tapi ak ga msk ak d parkr, ntar km ampiri ak ya” dan SEND.


Pagi itu aku lagi asyik2nya nonton Goshow di TPI setelah semalam bermalam mingguan dengan my Ex. Telpon Rumah berbunyi. Di seberang suara my Ex berkumandang mengabarkan kalau HPnya yang selama ini dipakai untuk telpon mesra itu hilang tiba-tiba ketika dia cuci baju.

Yang, kamu telpon aku lewat no. ini aja ya. Yang punya HP namanya Superman.”

That’s how I know Sang Superman. Lewat HP Superman juga kami saling janjian, sampai kadang – kadang aku merasa sungkaaann banget kalo harus menelpon my ex di malam hari (kebiasaan memanfaatkan pulsa murah di malam hari), ataupun nitip pesan.


Seminggu lalu dia sudah kembali setelah (bersama-sama dengan my ex juga) ber petualang menembus tanah terpojok di timur negeri. Setelah hanya berSMS ria dan bertelpon hanya di dini hari karena waktu kami tepaut 2 jam, akhirnya kami ketemu.


Sumpeh aku lupa dengan dirinya. Kami hanya bertemu beberapa saat ketika aku mengantar my ex berangkat menuju petualangan yang membawa cerita buruk itu. Itupun hanya “say hi” and “how are you”.


Now I know him. Ternyata dia suka bercanda (his jokes are just like an ordinary soldier joke!!! Not so funny!), ternyata dia ngomongnya logat jawa kulonan banget, ternyata dia suka dengan Nafa Urbach, Inka Kristi dan a song entitled “Teluk Bayur” …. masih musim ya?


He’s just a regular person. So regular, that sometimes made me scolds some giggles because of his ordinary one.

Ngakak yang tertahan.

Tapi aku senang mengenalnya.

Mengenal kepolosannya, kebingungannya, dan juga (semoga) kejujurannya…




Dimanakah Cupid-ku?

Ketika bulan bersinar terang

Kau goreskan awan



Dimanakah Cupid-ku?

Ketika aku ingin

kau bilang jangan



Jangan kau bungkam mulutku ketika ku bicara

Jangan kau buka mataku ketika ku terlelap

Lesatkan busurmu

Ketika aku mau

Dan kau berkehendak….